Adafruit Flora Bluefruit LE

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Intermediate Project guide


The ATCommand example allows you to execute AT commands from your sketch, and see the results in the Serial Monitor. This can be useful for debugging, or just testing different commands out to see how they work in the real world. It's a good one to start with!

Opening the Sketch

To open the ATCommand sketch, click on the File > Examples > Adafruit_BluefruitLE_nRF51 folder in the Arduino IDE and select atcommand:


This will open up a new instance of the example in the IDE, as shown below:



Check the Configuration! page earlier to set up the sketch for Software/Hardware UART or Software/Hardware SPI. The default is hardware SPI

If using software or hardware Serial UART:

Running the Sketch

Once you upload the sketch to your board (via the arrow-shaped upload icon), and the upload process has finished, open up the Serial Monitor via Tools > Serial Monitor, and make sure that the baud rate in the lower right-hand corner is set to 115200:


To send an AT command to the Bluefruit LE module, enter the command in the textbox at the top of the Serial Monitor and click the Send button:


The response to the AT command will be displayed in the main part of the Serial Monitor. The response from 'ATI' is shown below:


You can do pretty much anything at this prompt, with the AT command set. Try AT+HELP to get a list of all commands, and try out ones like AT+HWGETDIETEMP (get temperature at the nRF51822 die) and AT+HWRANDOM (generate a random number)


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