The New DC Nonprofit Corporation Act

The new DC Nonprofit Corporation Act became effective July 2, 2011, and will be applicable to all post-1962 Act nonprofit corporations as of January 1, 2012. Pre-1962 nonprofit corporations ("old act" corporations) will have until January 1, 2014, to file a notice that they do not wish to be governed by the new law, and will become subject to the law if they do not give notice by that date. Notice must include the corporation's articles of incorporation (or other public organic record) and the names and street and mailing addresses of its current directors and officers. There is still some ambiguity as to whether "old act" corporations can effectively opt out of the new law, because the law states that "If the corporation desires to do business in the District, the corporation must file articles of incorporation with the Mayor and otherwise comply with this title."

The revised "Business Organizations" Title 29 of the District of Columbia Code takes a "hub-and-spoke" approach to the law. Chapter 1, "General Provisions," includes provisions that apply to all District of Columbia corporations. Chapter 4, "Nonprofit Corporations," provides specifics for nonprofits. All references below are to the District of Columbia Code, Title 29, and are preceded by §29-.

The attached chart is organized by old DC Code sections, and lists all corresponding new DC Code sections, and provides a description of all changes. The following points out new requirements and opportunities for nonprofits under the new law, including provisions that apply unless otherwise displaced, and additional changes to note.

New Requirements

Displaceable Requirements
Under the new law there are certain requirements that may be superseded by provision in the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a nonprofit corporation. Nonprofits should review the following provisions and revise their bylaws if they see fit to alter any of the requirements.

Unless articles of incorporation or bylaws provide otherwise:

New Opportunities

Additional Changes to Note