New Zealand Student Visa

The New Zealand Student visa is specifically designed for full-time students, allowing them to pursue their studies in New Zealand for a maximum period of four years. To be eligible, you are required to cover the entire cost of your courses and enroll with an approved education provider. If you are a distance learning or correspondence student studying outside of New Zealand but need to visit the country for more than three months to attend your education providers, such as for practical study or examinations, you are also eligible to apply for this visa.

Once granted a New Zealand Student visa, you have the option to work part-time in the country and reside independently if you are old enough. Depending on the conditions outlined in your visa, you can engage in part-time work for up to 20 hours per week while studying or work full-time during holiday periods.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements for a New Zealand Student Visa?

To qualify for a New Zealand Student visa, you must fulfill the following requirements:

What Are the Required Documents for a New Zealand Student Visa?

You must provide the listed documents to apply for a New Zealand Student visa:

Evidence of Your Identity

You must provide the following documents as evidence of your identity:

Evidence of Good Health

As proof that you have good health to apply for an NZ Student visa, you may be required to provide a chest x-ray or a medical examination. If you stay more than one year in New Zealand, you must provide both the medical examination and the x-ray.

Evidence of Good Character

You must provide a police certificate if you stay longer than two years in New Zealand and you are older than 17. The police certificate proves that you are of good character and don’t pose any threat to the New Zealand public.

Offer of Place From an Education Provider

You must have an offer of place to apply for a New Zealand Student visa. If you are a returning student, you must have a confirmation of enrollment. The offer of place or the confirmation of enrollment must consist of:

Evidence of Sufficient Funds to Pay Your Tuition Fees

You must submit evidence that you paid the tuition fees for one year of study or one course (whichever is shorter). You can provide any of the following:

Note: If you study more than one course or one course for longer than a year, you must submit proof that you have sufficient funds to cover your tuition fees for one year of study or one course, and how you will pay the fees for the following years.

Medical and Travel Insurance

You must provide evidence that you have medical and travel insurance for your whole stay in New Zealand. Your insurance coverage must include:

Evidence You Are Meeting the Academic Requirements

If you already have a Student visa and now you are applying for a Fee Paying Student visa, you must provide photocopied evidence of your previous academic performance. You can provide:

Evidence of Sufficient Funds to Live in New Zealand

You must have enough funds to cover your stay in New Zealand. Proof can include:

Note: If you study for more than one year, you must submit proof (savings or family income) that you can support yourself for your first year and show how you will cover living costs for the next years.

Evidence of Onward Travel Ticket

You must have a travel ticket for leaving New Zealand, have a sponsor to cover your stay, or have enough money to buy a ticket. You can provide one of the following:

Permission to Work (If Applicable)

You must have permission to work part time or full time during the summer holidays. The permission must be from:

Evidence You Are Chaperoned by Your Parent/Legal Guardian (If Applicable)

Your parent or legal guardian must go to New Zealand with you if you are younger than nine years older. This does not apply if you live in an NZQA school hostel. You must provide the following documents as evidence that your parent/legal guardian takes care of you in your home country:

You can provide the following documents as evidence that your parent/legal guardian can legally take care of you:

Note: The person accompanying you must live with you until you finish your studies.

Information About Your Course and Holidays

You must submit the following information if you are allowed to work full time during the holidays:

Evidence You Are Passing Your Course and Attending Classes

If you must do practical work because it is a course requirement. You can provide the following as evidence that it is a requirement:

What Are the Additional Documents for an Exchange Student NZ Visa?

Immigration New Zealand recommends that you provide the following documents as proof that you are a genuine applicant: